Garden Supplies
Welcome to our page for garden supplies. Here we hope to provide you with a sampling of the products we carry. Please keep in mind that we are not listing every item available in the store, just a sample of what we carry. For product availability and product questions please contact us. Thank you!
Mulch & Soil
Below you will find a photo gallery of our large bags of soils, soil amendments, and mulch. For availability and to place an order please call the store at 859.331.0222.

Garden Magic Top Soil 40 lbs.

ferti•lome Natural Organic Garden Soil 2 cu. ft.

Garden Magic Compost and Manure 40 lbs.

Garden Magic Michigan Peat 40 lbs.

ferti•lome All Natural Organic Pure Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss 1.0 cu. ft.

ferti•lome All Natural Organic Pure Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss 2.2 cu. ft.

ferti•lome All Natural Organic Pure Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss 3.0 cu. ft.

Garden Magic Potting Soil 40 lbs.

ferti•lome Ultimate Potting Soil 3 cu. ft.
Specialty Soils
We carry a variety of specialty soils for your specific garden projects.
A few of the specialty mixes we carry are:
ferti•lome Ultimate Ready-To-Use Potting Mix 8 qts.
ferti•lome Cactus Ready-To-Use Potting Mix 4 qts.
Black Gold African Violet Potting Mix 8 qts.
Hoffman Horticultural Charcoal 24 oz.
Hoffman Bonsai Soil Mix 2 qts.
Better-Gro Orchid Bark Potting Media
Better-Gro Phalaenopsis Orchid Potting Mix