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June 2020 Newsletter

Writer's picture: SEBSEB

"In June, as many as a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day. No man can heed all of these anniversaries; no man can ignore all of them."

~ Aldo Leopold

It is June. You may have noticed that we missed the May installment of the newsletter. Let us just say that we were a bit preoccupied. Back to the current month, June. June, a month credited with blooms, heat, and bugs. The official change of season doesn't occur until Saturday, June 20 with the Summer Solstice, but the unofficial start of summer began on Memorial Day. Pools may not be open and picnics have fewer people, but summer is coming regardless. Jackson Florist & Garden Center has been very busy this spring and we are looking forward to a busy June. The temperatures may be rising, but it is still a great time to plant.

June is National Perennial Garden Month. What better way to kick off your summer then with a new perennial garden bed. As the heat and humidity increase our gardens and landscapes will need our help to thrive this June. Tackling a few garden chores and providing a little extra care during extreme hot weather will have your garden thriving this month. Once the chores are done have a cool beverage while enjoying the beauty of your garden. If it is too hot to sit outside and enjoy the plants pick up a fresh cut floral arrangement to enjoy inside where it is cool. Don't forget Father's Day is June 21. Fathers love flowers.

We at Jackson Florist & Garden Center want to thank you. The past few months have not been easy for anyone and we appreciate the support you have shown. We would not be here after 100 plus years if not for our amazing customers.

Thank you!


Perennial Garden Month

The hustle and bustle of spring is beginning to slow down and your plants are growing in the garden. Take some time to note which plants are growing and which, unfortunately, have not returned this year. June is a great time to plant perennials. You can fill in gaps in your garden or create a new perennial bed. Maybe you are interested in rain gardens or attracting more pollinators. Take the time now to learn more and plant. To learn more about perennials and to see some of our favorites visit our perennial page.

The Perennial Plant Association has named aralia cordata 'Sun King' as the perennial plant of 2020. 'Sun King' provides a punch of bold color in the shade garden. Mature plants can reach up to 6 feet tall and wide, but usually stay around 4 feet tall and wide. It is a great option for mixed beds and complements other shade-loving plants. The deer resistant and low maintenance plant is an easy choice for those looking to brighten their shade gardens.

An aralia cordata thriving on a north facing corner in Georgetown, KY.

Proven Winners has many plants of the year for 2020. Their annual of the year is actually a trio of plants, the Diamond Collection of Euphorbias. We love these euphorbias. They add a great delicate airy texture, but are tough as nails normally outlasting other annuals. The Proven Winners' perennial of the year is perovskia 'Denim'n Lace'. This is a compact and well behaving Russian sage that maintains a neat upright habit.


June in the Garden

Here are a few chores to tackle this month.

• If you haven't planted them yet, early June is the time to get your veggies in the ground.

• Keep sowing beet, radish, and lettuce seed every few weeks for a succession of quick crops. These veggies grow well when they are lightly shaded by neighboring veggies and flowers during the hottest parts of the day.

• Check plants daily for pests and disease.

• Stay on top of weeds, by hoeing and pulling them when they are young. Applying a layer of mulch around plants will help control weeds.

• Water plants regularly. A good soak a few times a week is better than a sprinkle every day.

• Keep birdbaths topped up.

• Once spring blooming shrubs (lilacs, azaleas, rhododendrons, and forsythias) have finished blooming it is safe to prune them if needed.

• Place supports for tall growing plants, such as hollyhocks and tomatoes.

• Fertilize annuals and house plants regularly.

• Deadhead and pinch back flowering plants, such as roses, cosmos, and annual geraniums, after they have bloomed to encourage new blooms.

• Sow quick germinating annuals such as sunflowers, zinnias, and cosmos.

• If the weather begins to dry out raise the level of the blade on your lawn mower.

• Repot house plants if needed.


Plant Care During a Heat Wave

As the mercury goes up our plants and ourselves need a little extra t.l.c. Make sure you and your plants are getting enough water. Water well and deeply. When the forecast calls for a heat wave water your plants thoroughly before it begins. The optimal time to water is in the morning before the temperature rises, but whenever your schedule allows works. A healthy level of mulch around plants will not only help reduce weeds, but will also reduce the amount of water plants lose through evaporation. Moving potted containers to shadier locations will help them otherwise you may need to water them more than once a day, especially hanging baskets. A defense mechanism that many plants employ during extreme heat is leaf wilting. If the plant doesn't perk up in the evening or after watering it could be a sign of too much or too little water. Use your finger to test the moisture of the soil. If it is dry you may need to give it more water. If the soil is wet, you may have given it too much water.

Most importantly, don't forget to take care of yourself during hot weather. Heat stroke and sun stroke are dangerous and avoidable. Don't work in your garden during the hottest parts of the day. Wear sunscreen and a hat and take frequent water breaks. The summer garden is a beautiful thing, enjoy it while relaxing in the shade.


Observations While Running

We're adding a new segment to the newsletter this month, Sara's observations while running.

The month of May has been a whirlwind. Warmer weather in early May and April had our gardens growing and blooming early this year. Everyone was outside enjoying the lovely weather rather then being cooped up in their homes. Then the cold returned for a last hurrah. Overnight Japanese maples lost their colorful spring foliage, boxwoods turned brown , and hostas appeared to have melted. The store even had frost damage, particularly on the azaleas which the weekend before were in glorious full bloom. The past few months have felt like an extended frost has fallen on our lives; businesses closed, vacations cancelled, celebrations postponed. We will never recoup the loss of the time we could have spent with loved ones, but things are beginning to improve.

Valerian in Sara's backyard.

Businesses are reopening and learning to operate within the current climate. My neighbors chat on their driveways and lawns, from a safe distance, and it appears everyone is working in their gardens. New gardens have sprouted up along my running route along with the constant drone of lawn mowers. My neighborhood run has been refreshing, particularly when I can no longer stand being at home. The sights, sounds, and even smells I come across are of a neighborhood awakening with life; full of summer.

Just like the Japanese maple that lost leaves and is now flushing new growth and the melted hosta grown anew, the frost over our lives is gradually thawing. "Normal" may never be exactly as we remember and that is okay. Life will continue and grow, preferably with fabulous foliage and glorious flowers.


"A garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul."

~ Saadi


Wishing you a June filled with beautiful blooms and flourishing gardens. Happy Gardening!



Jackson Florist & Garden Center     

3124 Madison Ave. Covington, KY 41015



M - F    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

SAT.      8:30 AM - 5:30 PM

SUN.     9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

© 2018 Jackson Florist & Garden Center. 

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