Trees & Shrubs
Trees and shrubs are the foundation of many gardens and landscapes. They provide structure and scale, as well as beauty and interest. The most important factor when choosing a tree or shrub is to choose the correct plant for the correct spot. Think of your plants as investments. Trees and shrubs have long lifetimes, prepare for them by picking plants that will grow and flourish in your garden. If your yard is shaded most of the day, don't get a lilac that requires full sun. Likewise, don't plant a viburnum that will reach a mature size of 12' wide, if you only have 5' of space. Research and ask questions before you make a purchase. We are here to help you create your perfect garden. For current plant availabilities please visit us at the store.
Rose Bushes
Rose bushes are a gardening staple. They have been grown and bred for hundreds of years. We carry floribunda, hybrid tea, and landscape roses.
The gallery below is not a complete list of what we have in stock. For specific plants and availability please contact us or visit the store.

A little rose garden inspiration for you.

'Gilded Sun' is a floribunda rose with non-fading yellow blooms. Height: 5' Width: 5'

'Canyon Road' floribunda rose has clusters of brick red flowers. Height: 2.5' Width: 3.5'

'Marmalade Skies' is a rebooking floribunda rose. Brilliant, tangerine orange blooms cover this compact shrub. Height: 3' Width: 3'

'Shining Moment' floribunda rose has excellent disease resistance and a long blooming season. Height: 4.5' Width: 4.5'

'Dee-Lish' is a hybrid tea with strong fragrance and large deep pink non-fading blooms. Height: 6 - 6.5' Width: 3'

'Peace' is one of the most well-known roses worldwide. This hybrid tea was introduced over 60 years ago and has remained a favorite of gardeners'. Height: 4 - 7' Width: 2 - 3'

'Traviata' is a vibrant red hybrid tea rose. It resembles the true old-fashioned roses of your grandparents'. Height: 3 - 4' Width: 3 - 4'

'Princess Charlene de Monaco' is a very fragrant hybrid tea rose with beautiful double light apricot peach blooms. Height: 5 - 5.5' Width: 2 - 3'
Evergreen & Conifer Trees & Shrubs
Evergreen shrubs & trees hold their foliage all year, unlike deciduous trees that drop their leaves in the fall. They provide color during winter when other plants are leaf-less or have died back to the ground. They provide shelter for wildlife and can protect homes from strong winds. Evergreens are not all green as the name implies. In fact many of the most popular are blue or gold (for example 'Colorado Blue' spruce and 'Golden Mop' cypress). Many evergreens are conifers (they bear cones), but not all conifers are evergreens (Weeping European Larch). Evergreens come in a variety of sizes and shapes. There is an evergreen that can fit any garden need.
The gallery below is not a complete list of what we have in stock. For specific plants and availability please contact us or visit the store.

An ornamental evergreen tree grafted 'Globe' Blue Spruce is a great accent plant. The prickly, light-blue needles form a dense compact rounded shape. Requires full sun.

'Gold Spangles' is a slow growing evergreen with bright golden-yellow threadlike foliage. Great planted as a specimen. Height: 12' Width: 4-6' Requires full sun.

'Blue Point' Juniper is an upright, pyramidal form evergreen with blue-green foliage. Great as an accent or border. Height: 10-12' Width: 3-4' Requires full sun.

'Sky Pencil' is a tall, multi-stemmed evergreen shrub. It has a unique columnar form with dark green leaves. Height: 10' Width: 2' Requires full sun.

The naturally variable, windswept character of the choice, slow-growing ‘Fukuzumi’ makes it a highly desirable addition to the landscape. It develops multiple leaders that extend at 45° angles, with short, blue-green, twisted needles. The wide-spreading plant takes on an irregular, wide form, or it can be staked up for tree-like character. Height: 6' Width: 12' Grows 6-10" per year. Requires full sun.
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Juniperus x pfitzeriana 'Golden Joy' 'Golden Joy' maintains its golden yellow foliage throughout the year. The compact spreading-form is easy to care for. Height: 3' Width: 6" Grows 3-6" per year. Requires full sun.
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Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Justin Brouwers' This dwarf evergreen shrub is a low maintenance option for your garden. Height: 2' Width: 2' Requires full sun to partil shade. Tolerates dry conditions and some deer. 'Justin Brouwers' is a slow growing shrub, growing 1-3" per year.
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Buxus 'Green Mountain' 'Green Mountain' boxwoods are popular evergreen shrubs. They are great used in formal gardens, as hedges, in large containers, and can be trained into topiaries. Height: 5' Width: 3' Requires full to part sun.

Prunus laurocerasus 'Chestnut Hill' 'Chestnut Hill' is a compact version of the popular 'Otto Luyken' cherry laurel. Its dense vase-shaped form is covered in glossy rippled leaves. Fragrant white flowers in the spring. Height: 4' Width: 4' Slow Growing Requires full to partial sun.
Deciduous Trees & Shrubs
Deciduous trees and shrubs drop their foliage in the fall. While evergreens hold their foliage year-round. In our region, many deciduous trees and shrubs' foliage changes color in the fall prior to dropping. Think of the colorful maples, red oaks, and gingko trees that provide brilliant fall color. Burning bush, Virginia sweetspire, and oakleaf hydrangeas are shrubs that provide colorful fall foliage before dropping their leaves. Deciduous trees and shrubs become dormant once they have dropped their leaves. Plants in dormancy store vital nutrients and energy during cold winter weather. Deciduous plants make up a huge amount of our landscape. The myriad options for trees and shrubs can be overwhelming. When looking to add a tree or shrub to your landscape have a few things in mind. What is the purpose of this plant? Is it to supply shade for a yard? Provide a privacy screen from neighbors? Or is it for purely ornamental use? Where will it be planted? Planting the correct plant in the correct location is vital to a plant's health and vitality. Planting an 'Ann' magnolia in deep shade is likely to prohibit the shrub from blooming due to lack of sun. Read care tags carefully to make sure you are choosing a plant that will work in your landscape. Also, keep in mind the size the tree or shrub will be at maturity. You may love the smokebush in the 3 gallon container at the garden center, but will it be too large when it grows to 10-15' tall and wide? Don't hesitate to ask us questions about any plant. We are here to help you create your perfect garden.
The gallery below is not a complete list of what we have in stock. For specific plants and availability please contact us.

'Palibin'dwarf lilac has reddish purple buds that open to fragrant, pale lilac flowers. Blooms profusely in mid spring. Use in shrub borders with an evergreen background or plant in groups to form a low hedge. Height: 4-6' Width: 5-7' Requires full to part sun.

'Miss Kim' is a highly fragrant lilac. More compact than French lilacs. 'Miss Kim' is a good choice for smaller landscapes. Height: 4-9' Width: 5-7' Requires full sun.

'Double Play Gold' spirea has golden foliage accented by hot pink summer flowers. This is a deer resistant and low maintenance shrub. Height: 18-24" Width: 16-24"

'Double Play Gold' Spirea in bloom. Photo courtesy of Proven Winners - www.provenwinners.com Photo courtesy of Proven Winners - www.provenwinners.com

'Orange Rocket' has vibrant coral-orange new foliage ages to a medium green, then turns ruby red in autumn. This award-winning, compact shrub has a vigorous upright growth habit and improved resistance to rust. Use to brighten the landscape in mass plantings, as a specimen plant, or in a container. Height: 4-5' Width: 2-3' Requires part to full sun.

'Golden Ruby' barberry is handsome, compact shrub with colorful coral-orange foliage that lasts into autumn, then turns a brilliant mix of bright orange to brick red, accented with gold margins. Height: 2' Width: 2' Requires full sun.

'Admiration barberry is a tight compact shrub with vibrant coral-red foliage with bright golden yellow margins. Height: 2' Width: 2' Requires full sun.
Japanese Maples
Japanese maples are wonderful trees to have in your landscape. There are hundreds of varieties, ranging from large trees and shrubs to dwarf specimens. Japanese maples provide year round interest in the landscape. Their foliage provides brilliant color in the spring, summer, and fall. The trees' interesting growth habit is more visible in the winter. In general Japanese maples require part to full sun. The exact amount of light required depends on variety. Plant in a location that provides protection from strong winds. Dwarf varieties do well grown in containers with winter protection. When looking for a Japanese maple keep in mind how much sunlight your garden receives, how much space you have, and what color leaves you prefer. We are more than happy to help you with any questions concerning Japanese maples.
The gallery below is not a complete list of what we have in stock. For specific plants and availability please contact us.

Japanese Maples add color and texture to landscapes.

'Bloodgood' Japanese maples are robust, upright trees with large, deep red leaves. Leaves mature to deep, rich purple and retain their color well, even during the heat of summer. Crimson fall color and scarlet, winged seeds add extra interest to this sturdy garden standard. Height: 20' Width: 15' Requires full to part sun.
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New growth unfurls yellow to burnt orange, with underlying tones ranging from orange, salmon and chartreuse for the remainder of the season. Exceptional fall foliage displays varying shades of gold to red. Needs some protection from afternoon sun. Height: 8-12' Width: 6-8' Requires part sun.

'Orangeola' Japanese maples have bright red-orange new growth that continue on long cascading shoots even as the maturing foliage fades to a deep reddish green in summer. Fall color is a brilliant orange-red. Its weeping branches produce a superb spreading habit and will make a colorful centerpiece for your garden. Height: 7' Width: 10' Requires full to part sun.
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Coral Bark 'Sango kaku' maple looks great all year. Its flaming, coral-red bark stands out in the winter landscape. Leaves emerge in spring with a flush of bright, yellow-orange and change to soft green for summer, which provides a sharp contrast to the glowing, coral bark. Bright golden fall color is a flashy effect too. Height: 20' Width: 15' Requires sun to part sun.
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'Tamukeyama' has long, cascading branches that produce bright crimson spring foliage that turns to dark, purple-red in the summer and retains its color even in hot, humid summers. In fall the foliage changes to scarlet. Height: 6-10' Width: 10-12' Requires sun to part sun.
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Harp Strings 'Koto-no-Ito' maple has a dense, twiggy branch structure that works resembles a harp frame. The unique, divided leaves have a tinge of red in spring, stay green during summer and change to yellow in fall. Bright green bark and a graceful, elegant form carry the show in winter. Height: 6' Width: 4' Requires sun to part sun.
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Azaleas & Rhododendrons
Azaleas and rhododendrons belong to the genus Rhododendron. There are about a thousand different species in the genus. There is an azalea and rhododendron to fit your garden needs. They can be low-growing, medium-sized shrubs, or tree-sized. Some varieties are more rounded, while others are upright or spreading. Azaleas and rhododendrons can be planted as single specimen plants or planted in mass to create a hedge of color.
In general, azaleas and rhododendrons are easy to grow shrubs. Majority of azaleas and rhododendrons prefer dappled shade or locations that receive morning sun and afternoon shade. A few varieties will take full sun. Pay attention to the care tag on the individual plant to decide where to plant it. In late winter or early-spring a complete fertilizer for acid-loving plants can be applied. This is especially beneficial if the soil is not very fertile. When applying fertilizer follow the instructions on the container; more fertilizer is not beneficial. We recommend using Holly-tone™ or Azalea-tone™ by Espoma. Azaleas and rhododendrons have very fine roots that grow close to the soil surface. They prefer moist, well-drained soils. They may require watering during hot months. A layer of mulch will help roots from drying out, as well as preventing weeds. Azaleas and rhododendrons require little pruning. If you want to maintain a specific size and shape prune after the shrub has bloomed. Blooms for the following season are set in mid-to late summer. Of course you can prune any dead, damaged, or diseased limbs at any time of year.
With only a few tips to keep in mind, you can grow hardy and beautiful azaleas and rhododendrons.
For more information on azaleas and rhododendrons visit The American Rhododendron Society.

A Guide to Planting Trees & Shrubs
Step 1 Prepare
Remove all grass, yard debris, or ground cover from the area you'll be planting.
Dig a hole approximately twice as wide and slightly deeper than the root ball.
Prepare your soil by mixing half of your existing garden soil with half of an appropriate soil amendment. (Ask us what is best for your plant.)
Step 2 Place
Remove container grown trees and shrubs from the container.
Gently loosen the roots.
For field grown trees and shrubs roll the root ball and "stear" it into the hole.
Position your tree so that the root mass is centered in your hole 1 to 3 inches above grade, with the best side of the tree facing the direction you want.
Step 3 Plant
Backfill around the root mass with the amended soil.
Lightly pack the soil as you fill, checking frequently to ensure that the trunk of the tree is straight.
Provide a slow, deep soaking with a root stimulator fertilizer. (We recommend Espoma's Bio-Tone Starter Plus Plant Food.)
Apply a layer of mulch approximately 2 inches in depth, and keep the mulch 2 inches from the plant's main trunk.
At Jackson Florist and Garden Center, we take great pride in the quality of the plant product we sell. That's why all our winter-hardy trees and shrubs are guaranteed for one year from date of purchase*. If your plant dies during the one year warranty period, just bring the plant, along with your original sales receipt to our garden center. We will issue you a one time merchandise credit for the original purchase price of the plant. Plants installed above ground or in containers are not covered by this replacement warranty.
*Excluded from the warranty are all Buddleias (Butterfly Bushes) and Lagerstroemias (Crape Myrtles).